Job openings in Program 1

Green Cycles of Renewable Materials

PhD student positions

  • The aim of the project is to identify and verify suitable strategies to strongly bond structural colors formed out of CNCs to the wood substrate and to overcome the disadvantage of the current absence of water resistance. Design principles and approaches found in nature may act as a starting point. As possible approaches we see enzymatic modification of the wood surface to enhance interaction, physical methods to induce energy (heat, rays), green chemical approaches to improve the cohesion of the cellulose assembly or incorporation of fully biobased matrix polymers or waxes.


    Formation of vivid colours is already nicely possible with Cellulose Nanocrystals. For the mechanism of colour adjustment several strategies are established, while the understanding of interaction of wood and its role in colour formation is in the early stage. As main barrier moisture stability is close to zero, as a single drop of water is able to destroy or remove the structure, as the interaction of CNC is based on weak secondary bonds only.

    Based on biomimetic approaches, green chemistry or biotechnological methods CNC shall be connected to the wood structure and interconnected with each other.

    Research Objectives:

    • As an outcome an ideally purely lignocellulose based structural colour should be able to coat the lignocellulosic material wood and thus enable realizing a single material concept.

    • Identifying and analyzing possible modification approaches addressing the interaction within the CNC structure, as well as between wood and the structure

    • Verify and develop selected strategies


    Color formation by CNC self-assembly. Biotechnological, chemical or physical methods to be identified depending on approaches selected. Analyses of structural color assemblies by various microscopic techniques on suitable length scales (light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy) including ultramicrotomy as sample preparation. Color determination, surface resistance in dry state and towards water, nanoindentation, …

    Main supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Johannes Konnerth

    Location: BOKU University (UFT Tulln)

    Submission Deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Background

    Lignin acidolysis is one of the most classical methods for lignin depolymerization, however it is typically associated with significant recondensation phenomena that lead to formation of recalcitrant side products instead of valuable aromatics. We have introduced the stabilization of reactive intermediates during acidolysis in conjunction with stabilization of reactive fragments. (JACS, 2015, JACS 2016) One of the most successful stabilization methods was achieved with applying ethylene glycol to deliver C2-Acetals. The system was thoroughly studied with respect to lignin type, reaction conditions, acids, diol and solvent type, as well as in alternative reaction media (DES) (Green Chem 2017, NatureComm2021). Moreover, the method was successfully extended to lignocellulose (ChemSusChem2020), now dubbed as diol assisted fractionation (DAF), which has been established as a distinct ‘lignin-first’ method (EES 2021).  

    While this method offers the possibility to deliver well-defined C2-Acetals in high selectivity, mechanistic questions remain largely unanswered. Firstly, the exact mechanism of acidolysis/stabilization has not yet been uncovered, but needed to understand the extent of condensation processes. Secondly, next to aromatic monomers and some dimers identified, a large portion of the mass balance is still structurally ambiguous, clarification of the nature of especially lignin fragments containing C-C linkages is needed in order to understand possibilities for further use of such fractions. Thirdly, when lignocellulose is applied, the extent of hemicellulose retention and depolymerization, as well as the nature of hemicellulose-derived products largely depends on reaction conditions, and systematic understanding is needed. Lastly, the morphology and nature of cellulose after treatment also strongly depends on the reaction conditions, influencing the further usability of such cellulose streams for enzymatic depolymerization or material fabrication purposes. Further research should shine light on optimal reaction conditions, maximizing the value of derived product streams.

    Research Objectives

    • Mechanistic studies of acidolysis/EG stabilization with dedicated model compounds as well as organosolv lignins, following the methods of common mechanistic work, possibly including labelling studies

    • Structural elucidation of depolymerization mixtures starting from organosolv lignin (and possibly native lignin from lignocellulose) with special focus on elucidating elusive dimer/oligomer regions containing C-C linkages. Multi technique analysis required. (both spectroscopy and chromatograph)

    • Development of fractionation strategies to treat depolymerization mixtures and isolate different Mw fractions

    • Analysis of hemicellulose-retention and derived products; analysis of cellulose depending on reaction conditions.

    • Co-development of reassembled materials with other groups


    • Lignocellulose work (composition analysis, fractionation, organosolv processing)

    • Lignin chemistry

    • Synthetic and mechanistic organic chemistry

    • 2D NMR analysis and other spectroscopic methods

    • Chromatographic methods

    Main supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Katalin Barta

    Co-supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Antje Potthast

    Location: University of Graz

    Submission Deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Background

    Diol assisted fractionation has emerged as an efficient ‘lignin-first’ method, capable of delivering aromatic C2-Acetals in high selectivity from lignin, beside high-quality cellulose. However, useful aromatic monomer yield is limited by the amount of cleavable b-O-4 linkages in the lignin, that is present in the respective lignocellulose source used. Since other linkages types, characterized by at least one C-C linkage are not cleaved by this method, they result in a varying degree of dimer and oligomer products in the depolymerization streams. In order to increase biomass utilization efficiency, these product streams should be also converted to useful products. We have previously developed fractionation methods to isolate such product streams, however the valorization of dimer/ oligomer fractions and of hemicellulose derived products, has not yet been attempted.

    In other, parallel activities, we have developed integrated biorefinery strategies centered around reductive catalytic fractionation. Hereby we relied on catalytic funneling strategies to channel product composition into well-defined products amenable to further conversion to bio-based polymers (Nature Comm 2022). In other activities, we have prepared bio-based polymers (polycarbonates, polyesters, polybenzoxazines and recyclable epoxy-amine thermosets (Science 2024)) from MBC diol obtained from Kraft-lignin depolymerization mixtures. Some of this knowledge can be utilized here.

    Furthermore, we have developed chemo-catalytic strategies for the further conversion of the C2-Acetal monomers towards biologically active compounds, however biocatalysts were not yet attempted.

    By finding isolation/separation and novel catalytic strategies for the further valorization of product streams of diol-assisted fractionation, will significantly increase the biomass utilization efficiency of this method, in accordance with circular economy principles.

    Research Objectives

    • Lignocellulose fractionation, diol-assisted fractionation, lignin acidolysis/stabilization.

    • The development of separation/purification methods to get access to specific monomer, dimer and oligomer streams from lignin, and hemicellulose-derived products

    • The direct conversion of oligomers to recyclable polymers (epoxy-thermosets, polyurethanes, polycarbonates)

    • The separation and further catalytic funneling of oligomers to well-defined compounds usable for polymer synthesis.

    • The conversion of C2-Acetal monomers to recyclable polymers by in house developed methods

    • The conversion of monomers, dimers and oligomers by bio-catalytic strategies (amination, cyclization, C-O and/or C-C bond scission) in cooperation


    1. Lignocellulose work (composition analysis, fractionation, organosolv processing)

    2. Lignin chemistry

    3. Separations and fractionation

    4. Catalytic conversion focusing on C-C and C-O bond cleavage, catalytic funneling combined with appropriate analytics

    5. Development of thermosets and thermoplastics from monomers, dimers, oligomers

    6. Bio-catalytic conversions in cooperation

    Main supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Katalin Barta

    Co-supervisors: Associate Prof. Mélanie Hall, Univ.-Prof. Wolfgang Kroutil

    Location: University of Graz

    Submission Deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project

    Development of enzymatic cascades in fast growing cyanobacteria based on degradation products of lignin. Predominately ferulic acid and other aromatic phenylpropanoid metabolites should be applied for the production of high value chemicals. The enzyme cascades should contain enzymes from different classes, like phenolic acid decacboxylases, aromatic dioxygenases/isomerases and subsequently either amindehydrogenases or alcohldehydrogenases. The expression of these enzymes will be achieved by the close collaboration with PostDoc#1 from my group who will establish a new expression platform in fast growing cyanobacteria. Additionally it more enzymes for functional group interconversion will be expressed. With the cascade at hand quantitative preparative scale experiments will be performed to prove the feasibility and applicability of the cascade.


    The working group has experience in redox biocatalysis and cascade reactions. Additionally, the group is well experienced in the genetic modification and cultivation of phototrophic bacteria.

    Research Objectives

    • Efficient utilization of renewable resources and waste streams for the production of fine and bulk chemicals

    • Identification of bottlenecks in the production of chemicals starting from renewable resources.


    • Selection of potential enzyme candidates for suitable cascades.

    • Cloning of heterologous genes into different fast growing phototrophic bacteria by Gibson cloning.

    • Testing of single-step and multi-step biocatalysis in different hosts by GC and HPLC analysis

    • Investigation of different waste and renewable carbon streams on growth and productivity.

    Main supervisor: Associate Prof. Florian Rudroff

    Co-supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Katharina Schröder, Univ.-Prof. Oliver Spadiut

    Location: TU Wien (Vienna)

    Submission Deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project


    Polylobate (puzzle) sclerenchyma cells from walnut and/or pistachio shells are suggested as building blocks in new materials. The multilayered entities are optimized on compression strength and we aim to entangle/connect them via tensile strength resistant fibrils (cellulose or chitin). Depending on final processing (lyophilsation  or cold and hot-pressing or 3D printing) different final products in form of foams or films or molded materials will be achieved. Focus is on creating strong interfaces between puzzle cells and fibrils, which involves different isolation/ modification processes of the nutshell cells as well as growth culture conditions of fungi. By in-situ characterization, we will probe composition and mechanics on the micro-and nano-scale and relate to macroscopic properties to derive structure-function relationships. With this understanding, we finally aim to tune the materials to specific properties and applications from packaging to medicine and include cradle to cradle options.

    Research Objectives:

    • Dissolving puzzle cells from walnut and pistachio shells through different extraction procedures

    • Achieve strong interfaces between microscale puzzle cells and nanofibrils (cellulose and/or chitin) (e.g. functionalization of surfaces,…)

    • Reveal properties of cells and nanofibrils and their interfaces as well as macroscale properties

    • Unravel structure-function relationships and tune material properties accordingly

    • Develop and test possibilities to dissolve and re-use in a second cycle


    • Extraction and modification of puzzle cells out of walnut and pistaccio shells

    • Preparation/growth of bacterial cellulose and/or fungi

    • Nanocomposite preparation (spin coating, sheets, moulds, different drying methods,..)

    • Mechanical, chemical and surface/interface characterization (e.g. Raman imaging, Atomic force microscopy,..) at different hierarchical levels (macro to nano)

    Candidates should have a background in chemistry, material science or biology and experience and/or interest in microscopic (SEM, Raman microscopy) and scanning probe techniques (AFM).

    Main supervisor: Associate Prof. Notburga Gierlinger

    Co-supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Alexander Bismarck, Univ.-Prof. Katalin Barta, Univ.-Prof. Katharina Schröder

    Location: BOKU University (Muthgasse)

    Submission Deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project
    In this project hierarchical bio-based and fully recyclable bio-inspired composites will be produced. To this purpose, bio-based fibrils and bio-based resins altered with nano and micro scale fillers will be combined into controlled structures.
    Fibrils will be produced in the micrometer and sub-micrometer diameter regime from precursors with different blends of lignin, cellulose and chitin including nanoscale fillers. The bio-polymer matrix will include fillers as well. Fillers will not only be cellulose or chitin based, but also bio-based and recyclable inorganic fillers like nanoclay, basalt or nacre be used. The surface of filler materials will be functionalized and the filler amount and filler orientation (for elongated fillers) will be controlled. Biological principles like tunable interface properties, alternating or gradually changing stiffness and crystallinity, high degree of orientation and structure relation spanning several orders of magnitude will be applied during the production process. The fibrils in the matrix will e.g. be organized in Bouligand pattern. Optimal compositions and organization will be investigated.

    The project aims to establish working precursors and production routines to address different composites applications like structural composites or thin films.

    This project will be carried out in close collaboration with the post-doc project “Functional all bio-based nanocomposites by micro-patterning” (Helga Lichtenegger). Methods developed by the post doc will in part be applied in this project. Further cooperations: Konnerth/Gierlinger for characterization, Potthast for functionalization and bio-polymers, Bismarck for chitin fibers.


    Nano-filler reinforced fibre based composites produced from standard polymers are well known for their outstanding mechanical properties [1], which can further be enhanced by bio-inspired concepts, e.g. control of the interface and orientation [2]. In the field of bio-polymer composites research is still screening for optimal polymers and mainly applies random oriented fillers. PLA is discussed a lot as basic polymer [3, 4], also starch [5] or lignin [6] are applied. Nano cellulose [7] is an attractive bio-based nano-filler, also combined with chitin [8] but hardly applied with control of the interface or the orientation, nevertheless yielding e.g. films with high toughness [9]. While nature works a lot with fibre based highly structured composites [10], this concept is not found in bio-polymer composites.

    This project aims to establish: fibre based composites with hierarchical structures including nano-fillers with controlled interface and orientation. Fillers will be organic or inorganic (like nacre, that is hardly applied so far); interface and orientation will be controlled. This will allow to tune fibres and composites properties.

    Research Objectives:

    • To produce micro-sized fibrils and fibre-bundles from different bio-based precursors with and without elongated nano fillers.

    • To disperse organic and inorganic nano fillers with different filler content in fully bio-based thermoplastic or thermoset polymers

    • To develop hierarchically structured fibre based composites and thin films from the established fibre and matrix materials.

    • To determine and to optimize mechanical properties of the bio-composites.

    • To characterize structure-mechanics relation in the bio-composites.


    • Selection and testing of applicable bio-polymers

    • Wet chemical functionalization of fillers (organic and inorganic)

    • Mixing (dispersion) of precursor and filler or resin matrix and filler

    • Fibre production by electrospinning including filled precursors

    • Spin coating for thin films including filled matrices

    • Vacuum infiltration or hot pressing for composite production

    • Orientation of nano fillers by shear and electric field

    • Mechanical testing

    • Characterization by SEM, SAXS, AFM, LM, Raman, FTIR, TGA, DSC, Rheology.

    Main supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Helga Lichtenegger

    Co-supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Antje Potthast, Univ.-Prof. Alexander Bismarck

    Location: BOKU University (Muthgasse)

    Submission Deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project:

    The fungal biorefinery is a versatile biofabrication process able to utilise many different substrates or biobased wastes unsuitable for recycling or upcycling applications. The aim is to produce a wide range of assessable products (co-)created using the fungal biorefinery, which include ligno/cellulose nanomaterials, sheet-based and larger 3D geometry mycelium composites, food, and fungal nanomaterials, for applications such as coatings, membranes, leather alternatives or yarns.



    Fungi-derived materials have a history of several thousand years, dating back to amadou, a soft, felt-like material used as absorbent styptics, dressings, bandages, and clothing garments. However, amadou does not resemble textiles mechanically, exhibits low tear resistance and tensile strength and is susceptible to abrasion. A process that provides consistent mechanical and surface properties of homogenous engineered fungal mats is needed. Produced mats constitute engineered fibrous sheets which are homogenous, theoretically contain no defects and can be produced at a consistent thickness that can take any value provided filtration and drying are still possible. One challenge remains the full ultilisation of the substrate used to grow fungal fruiting bodies. Discarded cellulose-rich substrates may enable the production of next generation mycelium composites.


    Research Objectives:

    • Achieve consistently high digestion across various substrates.

    • Determine the mechanism and efficiency of cellulose/lignocellulose degradation by fungal enzymatic digestion

    • Develop procedures for fungal cultivation in larger 3D geometries.

    • Determine property envelopes and applications of new mycelium-substrate composites

    • Produce fungal nanomaterials using chitin-β-glucan complexes from fruited substrates.

    • Determine environmental sustainability of a fungal biorefinery system for upcycling textile waste into composites and chitin-β-glucan complexes



    Fungal biorefinery (composition analysis: substrate, spent mushroom substrate, fungal fibomass, fractionation), materials production, material property envelop: mycelium composites and fungal sheet materials, TEA/LCA calculations

    Main supervisor: Prof. Alexander Bismarck

    Co-supervisors: Prof. Antje Potthast & Prof. Thomas Rosenau

    Location: University of Vienna (Faculty of Chemistry)

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project

    Water contamination by heavy metals, microplastics, and persistent pollutants presents a major environmental and health challenge. Hybrid membranes that combine ultrafiltration with selective adsorption offer a sustainable solution. This project will develop nanocellulose-porous organic polymer hybrid membranes that selectively remove toxic metals, valuable elements (e.g., gold, platinum, REEs), and emerging pollutants (e.g., PFAS). We will also explore the recovery and reuse of porous organic polymer sorbents via the hydrolysis of the nanocellulose matrix at the membranes end-of-life.


    In our previous work, sulfonated hypercrosslinked polymers (SHCPs) embedded in cellulose nanofibril (CNF) matrices demonstrated high metal ion adsorption capacity (Cu2+, St2+, Ba2+ etc.).  By further tailoring their composition and structure, this project aims to enhance selectivity, permeability, and stability for practical water purification applications. Substrate targets will include valuable metals, REEs, and emerging pollutants.

    Research objectives:

    • Synthesize functionalised HCPs for selective metal and pollutant adsorption.

    • Integrate HCPs into CNF matrices to fabricate hybrid membranes.

    • Characterize membrane performance in metal ion removal and ultrafiltration.

    • Investigate membrane regeneration and long-term stability.


    Polymer synthesis, membrane fabrication, gas sorption analysis, FTIR, TGA, SEM, ICP-MS, filtration and adsorption experiments.

    Main supervisor: Assoc.-Prof. Robert T. Woodward

    Co-supervisors: Prof. Gunda Köllensperger, Prof. Alexander Bismarck

    Location: University of Vienna (Faculty of Chemistry)

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project
    Although we already have a large set of characterization techniques available, we still fail in many instances to describe the behavior of lignins not only in simple chemical reactions (derivatization, degradation), but also under natural degradation conditions (e.g., in sea water or soil or upon aging in composite materials).   

    This project will focus on so far hidden structural features in (technical) lignins in order to understand their role and their influence on lignin reactivity and application in different fields. 



    Lignin structures are among the most complex organic molecules on earth. The structural variability in plants, with regard to starting monomers and different linkage types, allows nature synthesizing lignin molecules tailored to specific needs. This “natural” complexity is further increased by the isolation procedure used for lignin extraction. High temperature combined with drastic conditions and hard chemistry result in a lignin structure which is strongly different from the native original. Although we understand the basic reactions during classical extraction procedures (pulping), many side reactions lead to unknown structural elements. Their presence is currently only visible from certain properties of lignin, such as a high fluorescence for kraft lignins, higher acidity than relatable to known structural features, or an increase in carbon-carbon connections which lead to an undesired decrease in reactivity in most application trails. This project will focus on technical lignins, as they must be utilized in a non-energetic manner for future zero-emission technologies.


    Research objectives:

    • Investigate “hidden” and NMR-silent chemical features of technical lignins

    • Understand the structure of non-lignin side components in lignin

    • Develop analytical methods for better lignin characterization



    • Lignin degradation and enrichment, chemometry in combination with spectroscopic methods

    • Chromatographic hyphenation methods

    • NMR spectroscopy

    Main supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Antje Potthast

    Co-supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Thomas Rosenau, Univ.-Prof. Katalin Barta

    Location: BOKU University (UFT Tulln)

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project

    Biomass and products from biomass are rich in complex molecules. Often, the unambiguous structural elucidation is necessary to identify unwanted byproducts (e. g. chromophores), to increase the understanding of a process (e. g. degradation products, unintended byproducts), and to describe newly discovered bioactive compounds. The availability of the compounds of interest is often limited either because the effort to isolate sizeable amounts is prohibitive, or because the compounds occur only in minute amounts. Current methodology – the combination of mass spectroscopy after chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy – quickly reaches its limit when the available amount of substance is small (microgram). Crystallography allows to determine the structure of organic compounds directly and without ambiguity. The main requirement and obstacle – the availability of single crystals – can be mitigated by two recent developments: crystalline sponges and electron diffraction. These make even volatile and oily substances accessible for structural analysis by crystallography.

    Crystalline sponges evade the need to grow single crystals and are compatible with widely available instrumentation for X-ray diffraction. They are porous crystalline metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that act as a crystalline template for the compounds of interest. The target compounds are dissolved and allowed to diffuse into the MOF that soaks them up like a sponge. In the MOF, the target compounds are adsorbed in an orderly, practically crystalline fashion, which allows a structure elucidation by crystallography.

    The field of Crystalline Sponges offers the option to elucidate compounds that so far have evaded a comprehensive analysis or were not available as crystals (examples see “Research objectives”). The combination with chromatographic techniques has been demonstrated and is especially powerful if an adsorption chromatographic method such as supercritical fluid chromatography or normal-phase chromatography is used. Normal-phase thin-layer chromatography with direct bioautographic detection of bioactive molecules that are then embedded in a crystalline sponge for crystallography could become an extremely rapid approach for bioactivity studies.

    Research Objectives:

    • Synthesis of established crystalline sponges (apolar, polar, carbohydrate-based) for first tests with model compounds.

    • Application of the crystalline sponges to the identification of the target compounds which so far have evaded a comprehensive analysis as they were not available as crystals: a) di- and oligosaccharides of celluloses and hemicelluloses, b) chromophores and byproducts formed during pulp processing, fiber manufacturing and cellulose aging, c) extractives and bioactive compounds form plants (secondary metabolites).

    • Establishing the combination with preceding chromatographic techniques: supercritical fluid chromatography and high-performance thin-layer chromatography with direct bioautographic detection of bioactive molecules.


    • Synthesis of established crystalline sponges (apolar, polar, carbohydrate based) for first tests with model compounds.

    • Tests of suitability of different MOFs for different model compounds. Type of MOF and the properties of the solvent for infusion will be screened. Inclusion rate is determined from the supernatant before crystallography. Robustness of the developed methodology is evaluated. If necessary: definition of requirements of MOFs that need to be developed.

    • Combination of established chromatographic methods – gas chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography – for selected use cases, e. g. identification of bioactive compounds after bioautography, identification of unknown peaks in gas chromatography

    Main supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Thomas Rosenau

    Co-supervisors:, Univ.-Prof. Antje Potthast

    Location: BOKU University (UFT Tulln)

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

Postdoc positions

  • We to recruit a postdoctoral researcher in “Advanced lignocellulose characterization”, with a focus on NMR techniques and characterization of aging chemistry and byproduct formation in biorefinery processes.

    The position is part of the FWF-funded Excellence Cluster “Circular bioengineering”.

    The postdoctoral fellow will do research in lignocellulose-specific NMR spectroscopy (solution, gel and solid-state) and corresponding method development. In parallel, the position will address lignocellulose chemistry, in particular organic synthesis of model compounds and mechanistic studies of aging, degradation and byproduct formation processes. For general information and infrastructure please refer to our web page:

    Main tasks

    •Perform excellent research work in the field of chemistry of renewables

    •Support and supervise PhDs, master students in related fields/projects

    •Present results at international conferences, write high-level publications and reports

    •Take an active role in the excellence cluster

    •Contribute to academic administration, science-to-public and scientific community duties

    Position specification

    •Master degree in chemistry or related subject and a PhD in organic chemistry, analytical chemistry or chemistry of renewable resources

    •Extensive hands-on experience with at least one of the following techniques/topics: NMR spectroscopy (practice and/or theory), organic synthesis, chemistry of renewable resources (cellulose, lignin, paper, fibers, wood…).

    •High level of analytical competence, fluent in written and spoken English

    •Being creative, honest, communicative and a very good team player

    For more information, please, contact: 

    Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Rosenau:

    Univ. Prof. Dr. Antje Potthast:

    Location: BOKU University (UFT Tulln)

    Duration: 4 years (40 h/week)

    Submission deadline: 20.03.2025

  • Background

    Diol assisted fractionation has emerged as an efficient ‘lignin-first’ method, delivering aromatic C2-Acetals in high selectivity. While this method was studied mainly in a laboratory setting, usually running gram scale reactions, it would be highly desired to attempt scaling to multi-gram scale. While most standard operation was done in batch, it would be interesting to explore a semi-continuous operation. A particular advantage of such flow setup would be the possibility of integrating unique product separation methods, one key question in lignin-first biorefining. The C2-aldehydes and C2-acetals obtained by acidolysis are ideally suited to participate in reactions that would allow for ‘catch-and release’ strategies.

    It would be also desired to investigate the fundamentals (methodology, chemistry, engineering) to understand the possible industrial feasibility of this method, so that in the future we could chart out ways forward for possible upscaling. 


    Research Objectives

    Lignocellulose fractionation, diol-assisted fractionation, lignin acidolysis/stabilization from gram scale to multi-gram scale.

    Batch to semi-continuous flow operation

    Integrated product separation by catch and release and other methods

    Understanding of the fundamental engineering principles for charting future plans for a potential upscale. Understanding hurdles of scalability.

    Projecting future industrial feasibility of this emerging biorefinery concept

    Possible feasibility, early TEA and LCA analysis in cooperation.



    • Lignocellulose work (composition analysis, fractionation, organosolv processing)

    • Batch and flow operation

    • Integrated product separation by catch and release  

    • Engineering

    • Preliminary TEA/LCA calculations

    Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Katalina Barta

    Location: University of Graz

    Duration: 48 months

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project
    Lignocellulosic materials refer to biomass composed of carbohydrate polymers (cellulose and hemicelluloses) and aromatic polymers (lignin). It is highly diverse in chemical composition and structure. Therefore, representative computer models that reflect its complexity will result in a molecular understanding of its properties. Such models are crucial to subsequently describe how enzymes degrade or modify lignocellulosic as substrate.



    While celluloses and hemicelluloses are fairly well characterized in their chemical composition, the exact arrangement in a three-dimensional matrix remains elusive and is probably characterized by a certain amount of irregularity. In this project we will generate realistic computational models of lignin, which open the possibility to simulate representative models of lignocellulosic materials. We aim to understand how carbohydrates interact with lignin and to study the accessibility for degradation or modification.


    Research Objectives

    • Generate a lignin modeler tool to link such building blocks

    • Expand lignin models with hemicelluloses and celluloses

    • Study the interactions within lignocellulosic materials and with relevant enzymes involved in degradation or modification processes


    Molecular dynamics simulations, force-field parameterization, conformational free-energy calculations, enzyme simulations. Programming of a stand-along lignin modeler.

    Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Chris Oostenbrink

    Co-supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Antje Potthast

    Location: BOKU University (Vienna)

    Duration: 48 months

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

  • Description of project
    In this project, approaches shall be developed to create all-biobased functional nanocomposite materials by micro and nano-patterning. In this way we will generate hierarchically structured materials with smart arrangement and orientation of fillers. Targeted functionalities include anisotropic material properties, gradient materials and patterned swellability for haptic applications. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with PhD Project “Hierarchical fully recyclable composites with tunable properties” (Helga Lichtenegger, Harald Rennhofer). The specific task of the post doc in this project is to develop approaches, setups and instrumentation for contact-free structuring of nanocomposites which shall, in part, be applied by the PhD student to develop hierarchical composites.  Further suggested cooperations: Konnerth/Gierlinger characterization, Katalin Barta lignin based thermosets, perhaps Bismarck chitin fibers


    Nanocomposites with tailored material structure and properties are well known to yield favorable properties such as enhanced strength and toughness, gradient properties or tailored optical or electrical properties. In recent years there have been numerous approaches to produce nanofiller reinforced composites with biological polymer matrices. Nevertheless, the current state of the art still consists of randomly dispersing biological nanofillers such as cellulose nanofibers / nanocrystals [1] or lignin particles [2, 3], or naturally occurring inorganic fillers such as nanoclay [4], without structural control. Since many biological polymers are thermoplasts, thermoplastic processing such as extrusion, melt mixing or melt spinning are widely used approaches [5, 6]. Such techniques are not amenable to a fine control or filler orientation or arrangement on the micrometer scale.

    Physical methods for material patterning such as (di-)electrophoretic patterning  [7, 8] and orientation [9]  or surface acoustic waves [10] have been shown to provide impressive control of local structure and orientation of nanofillers. However, they have not been used so far for all-biobased nanocomposite materials with biological polymer matrix.

    In this project we wish to innovate the field by implementing micro-patterning methods into all-bio nanocomposite, focusing on electrophoretic and dielectrophoretic methods that have proven to be suitable for non-biological hierarchical composites [9]. The goal is to achieve solid 3D materials with tunable substructure to obtain tunable anisotropy, mechanical gradients and surface patterns for optical or haptic applications.

    In this way we will pave the way to tailored green materials with circular properties.

    Research Objectives:

    • Developing of non-contact micropatterning approaches for smart arrangement and orientation of nanofillers in bio-based composites

    • Fabrication of 3D nanocomposite materials with patterned single and multifillers based on biopolymer matrices

    • Tailoring of material properties (e.g. mechanical, optical, haptic) by patterning, following the biological optimization principle “structure instead of material”.


    • Surface functionalization of fillers

    • Generation of nanofilled biopolymer matrices

    • Development of structuring methods and setups  

    • (Di-) electrophoretic patterning of micro- and nanofillers (negative and positive DE pattering of different fillers)

    • Patterning of surfaces and bulk materials, layer by layer fabrication

    • Light microscopy, electron microscopy

    • Atomic force microscopy (collaboration Konnerth, Gierlinger)

    • X-ray scattering in the laboratory, in-situ synchrotron x-ray scattering for characterization during patterning procedures

    • Mechanical testing (macroscopic, by nanoindentation)

    Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Helga Lichtenegger

    Co-supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Katalin Barta, Univ.-Prof. Johannes Konnerth, Associate Prof. Notburga Gierlinger

    Location: BOKU University (Vienna)

    Duration: 36 months

    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025

    [1] C. Calvino, N. Macke, R. Kato, S.J. Rowan, Development, processing and applications of bio-sourced cellulose nanocrystal composites, Progress in Polymer Science 103 (2020).

    [2] K. Shi, G. Liu, H. Sun, Y. Weng, Polylactic Acid/Lignin Composites: A Review, Polymers (Basel) 15(13) (2023).

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  • Description of project

    This postdoctoral research project will investigate fungal biorefinery approaches for material production and degradation, focusing on sustainable processes for circular bioengineering. The research will encompass fungal-derived materials as alternative biopolymers, fungal degradation of recalcitrant materials, including textiles and polymers, and the utilisation of suberin as a barrier material and fungal growth substrate. The postdoc will also play a key role in integrating fungal biorefinery strategies into broader sustainability initiatives.



    Fungi offer a promising route to both creating and breaking down materials in a controlled and sustainable manner. Mycelium- based and fungal materials provide alternatives to conventional polymers, while fungal enzymatic systems can degrade complex, recalcitrant substances. Additionally, suberin, a natural plant polymer, presents opportunities as a protective material and as a growth substrate for fungi. This project will advance our understanding of fungal processing for bio-based material production and end-of-life solutions.


    Research Objectives:

    • Develop fungal-derived materials for structural and functional applications.

    • Investigate fungal degradation of persistent polymers and textiles.

    • Evaluate suberin as a barrier material and as a medium for fungal cultivation.

    • Optimise fungal biorefinery processes for integration into sustainable material cycles.



    Fungal cultivation, chemical characterisation (FTIR, XPS, elemental analysis, TGA), biodegradation assays, chemical analysis of degradation products, and process optimisation.


    Leadership and Organisational Responsibilities

    In addition to research activities, the postdoc will act as a sub-group manager within the research team, overseeing related PhD projects. Responsibilities include laboratory management, technical troubleshooting for experimental challenges, manuscript reading and refinement, and general organisational duties, including coordinating meetings and project timelines.


    Main supervisors: Prof. Alexander Bismarck & Assoc.-Prof. Robert T. Woodward

    Location: University of Vienna

    Duration: 48 months


    Submission deadline: 31.03.2025